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  • Writer's pictureAutumn Grace

Sunshine Blogger Award

Updated: Sep 28

Lizzie Hexam from Starlight and Saucepans nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you so much, Lizzie! I'm excited to do this and share all my answers with you guys!

Below are the rules of the blog challenge so you know that I did everything correctly! :-D

1. Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog.

2. Thank the person who nominated you.

3. Provide a link to your nominator’s blog.

4. Answer your nominator’s questions.

5. Nominate up to 11 bloggers.

6. Ask your nominees 11 questions.

7. Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘

1. What’s your second favorite TV show?

That's an easy one! The answer would be Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman, a six-season TV show about a young woman in the post-Civil War era who moves West to Colorado Springs. Where's she from? Boston. Her profession? A woman doctor. Do people think she can do it? No, they do not.

It's a great show, really, though there are several episodes my family and I skip.

She arrives in town looking like this on Episode 1 of Season 1.

It only takes her a little bit to figure it out.

2. If you could only read the works of one author all the rest of your life, who would you choose? (The Bible is exempted from this.)

Oh, man, that's a hard one. (And thank you, Lizzie. I'm glad that the Bible is exempted. lol) I guess I might have to say C. S. Lewis because he has written so many different types of books. There are, of course, The Chronicles of Narnia.

And then there are all his theological works that I have yet to read. (The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity...)

I was so tempted to say J. R. R. Tolkien, but he has so few books written, that it just wasn't a smart move. lol

3. What’s a fun fact about yourself that you would like people to know, but there’s never a good opportunity to bring up?

Ooh, what a good one! I love this question, and the answer is simple. I've been hit in the head with a frying pan. Ever watched Tangled?

Well, remember this scene? Actually, getting hit was nothing like that. I went home bleeding and probably crying. There was no way I could have gotten back up again and kept fighting. Thankfully, God protected me, though, and I got hit right in the eyebrow (yes, there's a scar there) but my eye was protected.

Anyway, I think that qualifies as a "fun" fact!

(Also, I'm related to Jesse James in some indirect way.)

4. Tell us a random weird word that you like.

I really like the word flabbergasted and irked. Flabbergasted is cooler, but I say irked more.

5. You’re going to Mordor with the Ring, and you’re assembling your Fellowship! Which eight fictional characters (from any fictional works, not just LOTR) do you want to come with you, and why? (If you aren’t familiar with The Lord of the Rings, just assemble eight fictional characters you would want to bring along on a dangerous quest.)

Wow, what a tough question!

  1. Gandalf...because he's Gandalf.

  2. Halt from Ranger's Apprentice, because his Rangers skills are almost as good as Aragorn's are, he is an experienced warrior, and his humor is great.

  3. Will from Ranger's Apprentice. Along with his growing Ranger skills, Will is a caring, sacrificial character who would make a great addition to my Fellowship.

  4. Merida from Brave. She's an amazing character, not the wimpy princess in so many other Disney movies and is a terrific shot.

  5. Trumpkin the dwarf from Prince Caspian. He's a great character with great humor.

  6. Shasta from The Horse and his Boy. Shasta undergoes a lot of character growth in the single book that he's in. He's also very brave for a boy and manages to almost single-handedly stop an army from coming to destroy his country. Who wouldn't want him on your side?

  7. Snoopy from Peanuts Comics. Seriously, Snoopy is the best.

  8. Jason Whitaker from Adventures in Odyssey. An agent in my favorite radio theater production...I'd need someone really sharp in my Fellowship.

And that's it! Pretty difficult choice. I had no idea who to choose...then I had no idea who not to choose.

6. Do you on the whole prefer movies from before or after 1960? Why?

Definitely after the 60s. Why? The Lord of the Rings, obviously.

Also, the acting is better after the 60s. Some of the movies before then tend to be a little cheesy. (The Wizard of Oz is excluded from this.)

7. Suppose you’re tasked with creating a flag for a new country. What does it look like?

I really like the Canadian flag because it's the only flag that I'm aware of that includes nature in its design. (Flags with stars include nature, I guess, but stars are much more of an abstract thing than leaves are.) My flag would resemble the Canadian flag in some way but would probably include dark blue in it somewhere.

8. Is poetry or prose fiction more expressive? Do you think one form is higher than the other?

It honestly depends. Sometimes, one can become so wrapped up in meeting the meter/rhythm of the poem that the beauty and expressiveness can be lost. The poem can feel really superficial when this happens. There is less worry of this happening in prose fiction. Nevertheless, I personally prefer poetry. As to whether or not one form is higher than the other, I'm not sure. Both can be done very poorly, and both can be done excellently. If you read a poem by Robert Frost and then a prose fiction story by a kindergartener, I'm pretty sure you would think that the poem was better. But that was only because the artist was better, not because the form was higher.

9. What are the last three songs you listened to?

To be honest, I don't listen to that many songs. I am mostly a classical/romantic music listener, whether that's movie soundtracks, or one of my many famous composer CDs. (Yes, I have CDs!) However, the soundtrack to The Prince of Egypt has several songs in it, and three of them were Deliver Us, Through Heaven's Eyes, and The Plagues.

I would definitely recommend the soundtrack for anyone who enjoys semi-dramatic Middle Eastern music.

10. If you had the ability to make it so that it was always your favorite season of the year, would you do it?

What a question. I know that I would want to, but I also know that things that disrupt God's original plan never turn out well. Probably, my better judgement would refrain me, and I wouldn't. But, as you can read in my blog post a couple of weeks ago, I would definitely choose autumn, were my better judgement hindered and I did make the decision.

11. Dream cast your favorite actor and actress (either can be from any time period; this is dream casting, after all!) in an adaptation of the classic book you think they’re best suited for.

That's easy. I would pick a young Orlando Bloom (The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean) and put him with a young Cate Blanchett (The Lord of the Rings) as Will Treaty and Alyss Mainwaring from the Ranger's Apprentice book series. I wouldn't say, however that either the actor or actress are my favorite, but I think they would go super well in this movie.

And those are all my answers! As for those I tag...

@E. G. Runyan E. G. Runyan

@Laura Ann Fearless Lane

@Leah Grace The Grace Haus

@Karis Anne Karis Anne

My questions for you!

  1. What is your favorite season and why?

  2. What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?

  3. Who is your favorite musical artist? (Someone who is or isn't still alive.)

  4. Contemporary Songs or Hymns?

  5. If you had to pick between fiction and non-fiction for the rest of your life, which would you choose? (Bible is exempt.)

  6. If you were moved overseas and had to stay put for the rest of your life, where would you move?

  7. In your opinion, what is the most awesome instrument ever? What do you think is the hardest one to learn?

  8. If you could pick one famous person from the past to meet in person, who would you choose?

  9. If you could learn one artistic skill really well, which would it be?

  10. What was/is your least favorite subject in school?

  11. If you could have been born as royalty, would you have chosen that? And what time period would you have picked?

Have fun and no pressure!

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Damaris R
Damaris R
5 days ago

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your answers!! I feel like they were the perfect balance of funny and serious. Also I love that you added Jason Whitaker to your list. The episodes with him in it are amazing and epic!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
4 days ago
Replying to

Thank you, Damaris! I'm glad you enjoyed the answers! Yes, haha. The episodes with Jason ARE very good! :)


6 days ago

I loved reading your answers, Autumn! Thanks for tagging me!!

I have a question for you: HOW did you get hit with a FRYING PAN?? That's just awful.

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
5 days ago
Replying to

You're welcome, Julie! I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this!

You can read about how I got hit with a frying pan in my answer to Lizzie Hexam's comment. (Below.)


Ronnie Woodrow
Ronnie Woodrow
Sep 28

This was great, and entertaining! I love that you picked Snoopy and Jason Whitaker for your quest. Lol. Good job!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 28
Replying to

Thanks! I'm glad you liked the post!! know me. XD


Carolyn Warner
Carolyn Warner
Sep 27

So much fun, Autumn! I'm ignorant of many of your favorites but have heard you talk about them enough to appreciate your answers!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 28
Replying to

Thanks, Aunt Carolyn! I'm glad that you liked the post and were able to enjoy some of the answers! lol



Eliza Boone
Eliza Boone
Sep 27

What a beautiful post. Such pretty answers! Great job Autumn!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 28
Replying to

Thanks, Eliza!! Glad that you enjoyed it! :)




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