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  • Writer's pictureAutumn Grace

What is autumn to me?

Because of my name (yes, Autumn is my name and not a pen name), I have often received questions about how my name makes me feel during this upcoming time of year.

To be honest, I don't think about my name being a season that oftennot until someone calls the upcoming season "fall," anyway. After that, I am quick to defend the correct name. Besides asking whether or not autumn is my favorite season, I am often asked if it is strange that my name appears in many books and movies. Well, not usually. However, The Lord of the Rings does use my name a bit, and specifically mentions my birthday. (It's the day Frodo wakes up in Rivendell, October 24.) That's the only mention in any books or movies that I really care about. (:

Other than that, I honestly feel the same way about other people's names being in connection to someone famous. For example, my brother's name is the same as Tolkien's second name.

"How special does that make you feel?" I ask.

"Eh, cool," he says.

But, since the autumn is (in my opinion) the most beautiful time of year, and because my blog is focused on "artistic gems," I thought it was high time to address how this time of year makes me feel.

To start off, it is my favorite season, and it's not just because of the name.

I'll be honest, I hate the summer. Though many people enjoy it, I find it to be one of the most inconvenient things that ever took up a quarter of the year, and it's a breath of relief when the autumn comes. If I lived in... say...England, I'm sure summer would be much pleasanter. But I don't. I live in the Southeast, and it's rough, I'm telling you.

With that said, my mind just goes wild when the humidity starts dropping, leaves start turning golden and breezes begin whirling through my mountainous home. While some people get a feeling of "spring fever" when new plants start popping up all over the place, I get "autumn fever" when the leaves on the ground turn crispy, and you need a coat to go outside.

Another thing I adore about the autumn is its gorgeous colors. In my opinion, the autumn represents some of God's most beautiful art in nature. My family also shares this opinion, and, because of that, we enjoy going hiking at this time of year. Looking for splendid views is one of the foremost reasons. A good way from my house, there is a great place called the Roan Mountain State Park, comfortably situated in the Appalachian Mountains. Last year, my family and I drove there and hiked up to the top of some Balds to see the views. They were absolutely breathtaking from the height of several thousand feet. Miles and miles of brilliant red, dark orange and golden mountains rose and fell for as far as I could see.

You don't get that in any other season.

Another reason that I enjoy the autumn so much is because it brings with it a sense of nostalgia. Many of the favorite things in my life have taken place in the autumn. Hikes, road trips, my birthday, playing outside, leaf piles, candy corn...the list goes on and on. And all of it comes back to me when the breeze starts blowing, and the sky begins to be a pale, thin blue. I may not do all of it anymore (like leaf pilesexcept when I'm babysitting), but all the old feelings of doing those things when I was young come back, and I feel at home.

And those are my reasons for loving the autumn! If this is also your favorite season, why? And if autumn isn't your favorite season, what is?

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Laura Ann
Laura Ann
Sep 12

What a beautiful post! I was already enjoying the start of fall but reading this made me even more excited. 😄 And now you have me in the mood to hike a mountain. I might have to put in a request for a family hike...

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 12
Replying to

Thank you so much, Laura!! Oh, yes. I really want to go hiking on Saturday, but I think it may rain on that day! But you sound like me, requesting a family hike. Lol


Sep 11

tiptoes back in I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award:

No pressure, of course; only if/when you feel the urge ;) ~ Lizzie Hexam

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 12
Replying to

Oh, wow, Lizzie! Thank you so much. I think I would enjoy that! <33


Sep 10

I love autumn too - the pictures in this post are so pretty! I agree about the nostalgia part. I also love spring because instead of everything shutting down for winter it is waking up. Summer and winter are fun in their own ways - swimming or skiing.

Isn't God so wonderful that he timed each season perfectly? Just when you start getting tired of one the next one rolls in.

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 10
Replying to

I'm glad you like the pictures! Yes, there is a sense of sadness when everything is spiraling towards a sleep instead of blooming, that's true.

Yes, our God is amazing.


Sep 09

Autumn is also my favourite season, and for most of the same reasons as it is for you...spring fever for me doesn't even compare to autumn fever (which I had the first attack of yesterday, Sep 9) and everything about it is thrilling, especially the way everything looks, sounds and smells outside. The woods in autumn smell the best. I also do not like's way too hot and sticky. And I hate being sweaty so I really camp out inside from late May to early September.

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 09
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That's funny about an autumn fever attack. XD Yes, I love autumn woods. Even pictures of them make me think of the smell of crispy leaves. :-D


Damaris R
Damaris R
Sep 08

I love autumn too!! I can’t say that it’s my overall favorite though. I love spring and autumn. Both seasons are so colorful (some places spring is filled with flowers absolutely everywhere). I do love the crisp air, but I most admit that I don’t love when it gets so cold that I have to wear a jacket everywhere. And also knowing that it will only get colder can sometimes be hard for me. But it is very cozy and beautiful! So they’re both my favorite seasons. I’m so thankful that God made autumn(both the season and you😊)!!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 08
Replying to

Yeah...the only problem with autumn is that it's followed by winter. 😂 And spring IS my next favorite season.

Aw, thanks. :) That's sweet.




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