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Snowy Trees

My Books

Did somebody say "books?"

Yes, I thought so!

     Not only do I absolutely adore reading, I am also an aspiring author! For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to write for my career. (Recently, I have even found notes in journals from when I was seven or eight stating my dream to be a wealthy author.) 

    While the reality of being an author is much more difficult, I have been blessed to receive instruction and encouragement from places like The Green Writer and The Young Writer's Workshop.

     I have been inspired by so many authors: Tolkien, Lewis, Montgomery, Flanagan, Birdsall to name a few. It is my dream to follow in their footsteps and create a world of my own that will both touch and encourage readers. 



This series may never be published but it is my favorite. It started as a knock-off of The Lord of the Rings, and I honestly had no idea where it was going. 

As a result, the first draft was horribly sloppy. It was, however, the groundwork for something that I could continue writing as I honed my skills.

Recently, when I went back to rewrite it, the plot grew much more complex, and I was forced to find a good stopping spot for the end of the book, 1/2 way through the 126 thousand words. The original story obviously ran away on its own. 

The objectives of the story are fairly simple, take back a powerful Pearl from the dark lord who threatens to terrorize and take over the world.  Sounds familiar?

Nevertheless, despite the fact that I sound rather harsh about my creation, I have completely fallen in love with all the characters, and, when the other, more publishable stories seem to be giving me some problems, I go back to A Hero of Alindell and find solace in its familiar pages. 

Genre: Science Fantasy

Draft: 3? Or is it 4? 🤔

My Goals for this Book: Most likely to always have a private story just for me and my family. 


The cover to the first book in the series was created on Canva

A Hero of Alindell

     This second book, marking the beginning of yet another series, comes from my Nancy Drew, Aggie Morton side.

And, of course, The Mysterious Benedict Society probably had something to do with it too. 

     This book follows a world of agents---but particularly the three depicted on the cover here---as they chase down criminals and improve the world for the better. 

Aside from A Hero of Alindell, this book was one of the first that I began to think publishable. 

     I enjoy the characters in the books quite a bit, though I am less fond of the technical, "agenty" side of things.

Most of the cool gadgets they use have been made up, and, for the reason that I know very little to none about what real agents use and how they work,

it may be a long time until I feel ready to publish this series. 


Genre: Mystery, Suspense​

Draft: 2

Goals: Continuing to learn about what I'm writing and prepare the book for day.


Mock Cover created by Alethianna Black.

America's Favorite Agents

The third series, Rangers N' Rays (I have yet to produce individual book titles for all three books) is definitely (in my opinion) my most original story idea.

     It is also my most polished, top-tier work.

     This book is a mix of The Vanderbeekers and The Swallows and Amazons and revolves around two gangs as they both struggle for power over the fort in the woods where they live.

This is also the only book that I have practiced pitching to a publishing agent. Ultimately, I hope it will be, publishable someday.

Maybe soon. Who knows?.

Genre: YA Contemporary

Draft: 4

Goals: Prepare for Publication

The Rangers N’ Rays.png

Cover created on Canva

Rangers N' Rays



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Copyright 2024-2025 by Autumn Grace

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