I turn to join the world of men—
I know I'll see that girl again.
To me she is a constant friend.
When I approach, she’s there again.
She seems to know what I’ve been through.
Her face it shares that she’s there, too.
I see her sigh, but then she smiles,
And I feel weak to speak of trials.
This pretty girl seems nice enough.
Her smiles boast of friendly stuff.
I wait for her to share her name.
I read her lips and mine’s the same.
Her eyes are blue; they look like sky.
And with me she is never shy.
Her hair looks soft, her features sweet.
To be with her is such a treat.
I reach for her; she does the same.
I call to her. She says my name.
Her hands are ice—I pull away
And she agrees, to my dismay.
She turns to leave; I start to cry.
She follows suit without a sigh.
But when I smile with practiced tact,
Her lips turn up, and she grins back.
Hi Autumn, this is Emma, your sister. Great post, I loved this poem! Even though I had begun to get the rough idea of what it was going to be about (since I'm your sister) the results are fantastic! I love you and enjoy all of your posts! 😘
I love the humor in this poem about looking in a mirror. It's very clever!
Neat poem! This is good! Keep it up.
I love this!!!
Autumn, this poem reads like a riddle solved only by the title, which, by the way, has multiple meanings.
One time on a college choir tour, we visited the Billy Graham Center Museum, and I have never forgotten the experience. After walking through the exhibits of evangelism, you walk through scenes depicting the gospels and the Crucifixion. Then you enter the tomb, which is really a hallway shaped like a cross leading to a blind corner, which you turn to step out into the Infinity Room--a room of all mirrors from floor to ceiling, reflecting the heavens. You feel weightless, as if you are falling into space, yet also victorious and free. All the mirrors reflect each other lik…