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  • Writer's pictureAutumn Grace

Indie Author Interview: E. G. Runyan

Updated: Aug 9

Recently, I was honored to interview a good friend of mine, E. G. Runyan, who has just self-published (or indie published) her first book. Loch Monster follows two young people as they try to discover more about the mysterious creature that lurks in the loch near their homes. You can find out more about her book, Loch Monster, on Amazon (, or more about E. G. at her blog (

Now, without further ado, the author interview. (:


1. How long have you been writing? 

I’ve been writing since I was five years old. It began with stapled together pieces of paper, to notebooks, to an ipad where I’d type out little chapter books. 

2. Do you remember your first story? If so, do you still like it?

Yes, I do remember my first story! It was, quite honestly, a rip-off of The Little House On the Prairie books, which I had just finished reading for the first time. I can’t say I exactly “like” it, but I will always love it with the love any writer has for their earliest writing.

3. What inspired you to write Loch Monster? 

I’ve always been fascinated with mysteries and unanswered questions and I’ve wondered about the Loch Ness Monster since I was little. My favorite author, George MacDonald, was Scottish and set many of his famous novels there, and to top it off, my family is of Scottish descent. All of those different things mixed together would be what inspired me to write Loch Monster.

4. How does it feel to be an author? Is it everything you hoped it would be? Why or why not?

It feels…about the same. I’m delighted that I have something long-lasting that is now out in the world, available for anyone. But being an author doesn’t bring you any real fulfillment and it doesn’t magically make all your struggles, writing or otherwise, go away. Mostly I’m just grateful to be able to hold a physical, printed book in my hands and hand it to my friends with a big smile and a grateful thank you. It’s so humbling to have so many people reading your words.

5. What is your favorite thing about your new book?

My favorite thing about Loch Monster is probably the dedication. The novel is dedicated to one of the coolest people I’ve ever met, someone I loved dearly and miss excessively. It was really cool to have something to commemorate them by.

6. After going through the whole indie publishing process, are you eager to do it again? Can we expect more books coming from you?

You can definitely expect more books coming from me, but whether or not they’re indie published is another matter. I enjoyed indie publishing for the most part, but my long term goal is definitely to go the traditional route with an agent and publisher. Whether that will be in the next few years, the next decade, or even ever I don’t know—but count on more stories from me, and soon!


Loch Monster was one of the most exciting books I have read recently and came at a time when I had been looking for another great book to read. This was the perfect fit!

Here is the review I wrote on Amazon.

"This author has created a lovable, exciting and heart-wrenching world that is anything but cliche. I am good friends with E. G. Runyan but had not read her book until now. It was everything I had hoped for, full of excitement, suspense and emotion. The characters were beautifully created and very relatable. I appreciated the authentic feel as well as the Gaelic song and the informative footnotes at the bottom!

I must admit that I had no idea how it was going to turn out. Usually, a story is rather predictable, (when you have read enough similar ones) but this one had me guessing until the end. I absolutely loved it.

E. G., please write more!"

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Eliza Boone
Eliza Boone
Apr 19

Wow, this sounds so interesting!!! Love the post and I'd love to read the book at some point!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Apr 19
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I highly recommend! It's a fascinating tale!


Laura Ann
Laura Ann
Apr 15

Ooo, I'm intrigued. :) Loch Monster sounds like a great book! And I loved this interview!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Apr 15
Replying to

It is intriguing! Thanks, I enjoyed it too!


E. G.  Runyan
E. G. Runyan
Apr 12

Thanks for doing this, Autumn!

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Apr 12
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You're welcome, E. G.! I was glad to be able to interview you!




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